by Ed Murray | May 19, 2017 | Truth
Is the church relevant to our world today? Scripture says that it is. We are the church both locally and universally, because we have accepted Christ by faith and baptism. We have a responsibility to glorify our Father in the incarnate church today by taking on the...
by Ed Murray | May 6, 2017 | Truth
The Lord in this sermon continues to teach the disciples about correct behaviors in the Kingdom. This is about being true disciples and effects all aspects of our daily walk with God. May 7, 2017 Kingdom discipleship May 7, 2017 Welcome Family!
by Ed Murray | May 6, 2017 | Truth
The Lord taught the disciples in this text from the law. He came to complete and fulfill what God said before hand. Truths that are relevant for us today.April 23, 2017 Good Morning Church